The Acid Test

Vaccinium spp. are shrubs. Depending on the species they can grow anywhere from 1′ to 8′ tall. All of them require full sun and a well-drained soil with a P.H. of 4.5 to 5.5. Here’s some good basic growing information from the Minnesota Extension Office and here’s an article on how to prepare a bed and which amendments are best to… Continue Reading…

Vaccinium spp

Blueberry Vaccinium spp Blueberry (V. corymbosum or V. ashei) Bilberry (V. myrtillus) Wild Blueberry (V. augustifolia) I have never tasted a bilberry, although I have tried its cousin, V. augustifolium or the low bush blueberry a.k.a. the wild blueberry. I must confess to not liking blueberries. The rest of my family likes them though, so every year I make blueberry jam… Continue Reading…

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