A Cooling Blue Relief

While the blueberry and the bilberry are used interchangeably in the kitchen, the bilberry has a definite edge in the pharmacy. The most obvious fieldmark (an easily recognizable characteristic identifying a plant or animal positively) between the two is that the flesh of a blueberry is green and the flesh of a bilberry is blue or purple. This indicates a much… Continue Reading…

In The Pinks

The Carnation has been used medicinally for approximately 2000 years, at least in China. This site gives a good account of its use there. Gerard tells us of the carnation:“The conserve made of the floures of the Clove Gillofloure and sugar, is exceeding cordiall,and wonderfully above measure doth comfort the heart, being eaten now and then.”and“It prevaileth against hot pestilentiall fevers, expelleth… Continue Reading…

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